1:1 Balun build

I’m not going to go in to loads of detail because..
a) I’m not clever enough.
b) There’s loads of info on the internet anyway.

Problem, I live in a weird house that’s not very radio amateur friendly, everything is a comprimise!
I decided that I’d build a multi band dipole for the loft space, yeah yeah, I could just go and buy one but that’s not the point is it!

The box is from RS Components.
It’s as small as I dare, makes soldering a bit more fiddly but, well, meh..
RS Components part no 186-2253

The ferrite cores are also from RS Components, 240-43, RS Part No 467-4172 

The core/windings were selected using this piece of art some clever bloke did – G3TXQ

I’ve gone for 9 turns of RG58 over 2x FT240-43 as that seems like the best choice for me at the moment, not really found my comfy spot on any particular band so I wanted it to work okay across them all rather that great at one frequency, 9 turns on one core seemed to give the best result for what I wanted.
Well, I say RG58, I had some Panorama CS23 Coax left over from an install in my van and that stuff feels so much nicer than RG58 and much more flexible too so I used that instead.

1:1 Current Balun
Pic of my 1:1 Current balun for a HF 3 element dipole, lid off and mounted on a noggin in my loft space.
1;1 Current Balun
More general view of my 1:1 Current balun for a HF 3 element dipole.